Dr Rokny joined UNSW on a highly prestigious and competitive UNSW Scientia Program (UNSW Scientia Program aims to attract the best and brightest scientists with outstanding research records in October 2019. Dr Rokny is currently acting as a Scientia Senior Lecturer at UNSW Sydney and adj Associate Professor at Concordia University. He is leading UNSW BioMedical Machine Learning Laboratory (BML) at the UNSW Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering (GSBmE), where he is mentoring a team of 13 researchers as well as 8 researchers in overseas universities as co-supervisor/mentor. He is also the Heath Data theme Leader of UNSW Data Science Hub. Dr Rokny received his master degree in Statistical Machine Learning (Ranked 1st) and his Ph.D in Biostatistical Machine Learning from UNSW Australia, Jan 2018.
His research focuses on using cutting-edge statistical machine learning, biostatistics, and Advanced Health Data Analytics techniques in conjunction with health and medical data to understand the mechanisms behind diseases and disorders.
As a young and early career scientist, Dr Rokny has published 80 publications, including 10 as first & 45 as senior author. He has also been able to secure several national and international grants/fellowships. Throughput his career, he has received 28 prizes, honours, awards and also was able to secure multiple national and international awards and grants including highly competitive tenure-track UNSW Scientia Program Fellowship, CSIRO Next-Generation Graduate Program (leading CI), Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) IDEAS grant, Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA 2023), two NHMRC MERIT awards, two international awards for his work on Autism from the International Quebec Autism Research Training (QART) program and the International Fellowship Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), two awards from UNSW Cellular Genomics Futures Institute, four external and one internal travel grants to present my research at national and international conferences and workshops. He has also received the best presentation prize in prestigious international conference Human Genome Meeting (HUGO) 2019. Dr Rokny also awarded highly competitive international PhD scholarship from UNSW. Additionally, He has been invited to serve as Keynote Speaker and program committee members of national and international conferences including prestigious International HUGO 2020 (HUGO ECR symposium organization team), Pasteur Institute (invited talk), Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.